
Tilting Vase

Ever since people were forced to work from home, several problems began to appear: a distorted work/life balance, overworking and having the feeling of never being free from work. A consequence of this is a lack of focus and concentration.

Therefore I wanted to design something that would improve this situation, something that would benefit both the working- and living environment, since the living room also became the office.

The result is a tilting glass that can be stabilized by inserting your mobile phone under the vase, forcing you to pay attention to either work or social life. I tried to make this interaction obvious, but also elegant and subtle.

It is made by three cuts on a 10 cm borosilicate glass tube, minimizing the production process.

  • Published 2021
  • Materials Borosilicate Glass
  • (final mock-up made in plexiglass)
  • 10 x 10 x 16 cm